Le village du livre de Fontenoy-la-Joûte a été créé en 1996. Ce petit village rural compte 19 bouquineries aménagées dans d'anciennes granges et qui vendent près de 800.000 livres d'occasion. Ce village rural du XIIème siècle a su se reconvertir d'une manière originale. Aujourd'hui, c'est un endroit fréquenté qui vit des livres. A titre d'exemple, le village du livre a reçu 64 000 visiteurs en 1996 et 89 000 en 1997. Au centre du village, on peut trouver ce panneau d'indication pour le moins original.
The books village of Fontenoy-la-Joûte was created in 1996. This small rural village numbers 19 second-hand booksellers set up in former barns. These booksellers sell 800.000 second-hand books. This rural village of the XIIth century found an original way to convert. Today, it's a busy place. There was 64 000 visitors in 1996 and 89 000 in 1997. Each year, this number increases. At the village center, you can see this original signpost.
The books village of Fontenoy-la-Joûte was created in 1996. This small rural village numbers 19 second-hand booksellers set up in former barns. These booksellers sell 800.000 second-hand books. This rural village of the XIIth century found an original way to convert. Today, it's a busy place. There was 64 000 visitors in 1996 and 89 000 in 1997. Each year, this number increases. At the village center, you can see this original signpost.