mardi 15 avril 2008

l'école de Nancy (2)

Voici l'entrée de la chambre de commerce et de l'industrie de Meurthe-et-Moselle. Un nouvel exemple de l'architecture de l'école de Nancy.

Here is the entrance of the chamber of commerce and industry of Meurthe-et-Moselle. It's a new example of art nouveau architectural work in Nancy.

8 commentaires:

Kim a dit…

I love this entrance and am a big fan of those glass canopies you've so beautifully captured in this Nancy example. What a gorgeous place!
Seattle Daily Photo

Anonyme a dit…

I like that iron porch. Wow. Impressive.

Alex a dit…

Très belle entrée !! Décidément, l'Ecole de Nancy a produit de bien belles choses...

yoshi a dit…

@ Kim ans oldmanlincoln : thanks for your comments. Nancy is full of this kind of architecture. It's impressive.

@ alex : ce bâtiment est très typique de ce style architectural et Nancy regorge d'autres maisons et immeubles dans ce style, ce qui augure d'autres photos à venir ...

Jilly a dit…

What a beautiful doorway. It's such a gorgeous style. I've seen something slightly similar in Menton but not nearly so grand!

Destitute Rebel a dit…

Wow, love the entrance, great shot.

Aubrey a dit…

I love art neuvo but there isn't much of it where I live so I'm thankful when I can find beautiful pictures like this one.

Clueless in Boston a dit…

Beautiful doorway, it's very distinctive and lovely.