samedi 21 juin 2008


Tous les étés, dès que la nuit est tombée, la place Stan' s'illumine le temps d'un spectacle son et lumière qui dure 15 minutes. Ici, on reconnaît unu œuvre de Klimt.

Each summer, when the night has come, the Stanislas square is floddlit during a show with music and light that last 15 minutes. Here, you can recognize a famous paint of Klimt.

4 commentaires:

alice a dit…


Alex a dit…

Comme Alice, je reste sans voix, je dirais "Waouh !!"

Tash a dit…

Facinating. Very unique entertainment. Great photo. a dit…

Very creative. Thank you, and thank you for visiting and leaving a comment on my new Tamarindo, Costa Rica Daily Photo site:

I have been to France 5 or 6 times, including my honeymoon, but have not been to Nancy. Thanks for sharing such great photos.