The "place Stanislas" is surrounded by the wrought-iron worker Jean Lamour’s finely worked railings with gold highlights.
La place Stanislas est entourée de grilles finement ouvragées et rehaussées d’or, réalisées par le ferronnier Jean Lamour.
Each day, a photo of Nancy (or around nancy). Chaque jour, une photo de Nancy (ou des environs).
3 commentaires:
Nice blog...
Bonjour et et je te souhaite bienvenu dans le monde des DP.
Superbe un City Blog sur Nancy, j'ai vecu un an et j'ai beaucoup aimé (surtout les ballades dans les vosges et les macarons des soeurs ;o)) .
Bonne continuité
Welcome to the world of City Daily Photo Blogs! I've been doing it for just over four months and have been really enjoying it. It's nice to tour the world from home and get to share my home city of Minneapolis as well. If you haven't found it yet, the CDPB monthly theme is a great way to get noticed my others and feel part of the group. I wrote and article about it on my blog, here's a link:
CDPB Monthly Theme Hints and Tips Also, go over to Technorati.com and register your blog, it's a good way to find out who's linking to you and increase your blog's visibility.
Good luck,
- Mitch
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